Is a cryptocurrency result of the formation of stellar network that has been updated systemnya. Currently , for 1 lumens exchange rate is 0,00002954 (As of 5/23/2017) to bitcoin.
Why should Stellar migrate to LUMENS?
Actually not migration, just change the technology for STR Coin is still there, and if you still have STR in the old account, at the time of update lumens, your STR directly convert to XLM automatically. Lumens, is a product of the Stellar Development program that Developernya numbered thousands because it is open source. In short, lumens is safer than spam because of the new technology.
How do I make a wallet gan?
For making XLM wallet, can directly slide to this link gan:
The next step, is as follows:
2. Copy the public key and its secret key SAVE in a safe place.
3. To login to wallet, agan copy paste just SECRET KEY to login form, then click sign in
4. ATTENTION , which wallet address is then? Wallet address is PUBLIC KEY have you guys. DO NOT ONCE TIME SECRET KEY as a wallet
Finish the making of walletnya, there is also a portable wallet in android:
- Centaurus wallet (Active Giveaway)
Note: Wallet will be considered valid if there is a minimum threshold that is 20 XLM, the term minimum balance for wallet can be considered valid.
How do I get it? Can pass the giveaway ane share below
How to dapetin XLM or LUMENS gan?
There are 2 ways dapetin lumens (XLM):
1. Investment & trading through market
This way, like regular cryptocurrency, you can buy in one of XLM's already-marketed trading markets:
- Poloniex:
- Bittrex:
2. Regular giveaway that is di adain by stellar community
This way is the way I think it suits us. Of the methods, the stellar network always provides a giveaway method as its cryptocurrency distribution. They call it mandate.
Some of the active giveaway methods that you can try are as follows:
New User Bonus (100 XLM)
( Https:// )
Giveaway is hosted by a forum from stellar, Step claim is as follows:
1. Create a wallet staller (the way above)
2. Register in the forum: (my reffer link)
3. Upload avatars for your profile, any avatar
4. Post / reply to 3 different threads and make sure not spam or one-liner (may ask questions, or info)
4. Go to forum:
5. Reply address agan (Public Key, REMEMBER DO NOT SHARE SECRET KEY ) and wait a few days (1-3 days sent 100 XLM to your wallet)
Note: for this giveaway is limited to 1 ID, BUT, allows us to create more than 1 ID, so if you want to get a lot, please register more than 1 ID and live step above.
2. Register in the forum: (my reffer link)
3. Upload avatars for your profile, any avatar
4. Post / reply to 3 different threads and make sure not spam or one-liner (may ask questions, or info)
4. Go to forum:
5. Reply address agan (Public Key, REMEMBER DO NOT SHARE SECRET KEY ) and wait a few days (1-3 days sent 100 XLM to your wallet)
Note: for this giveaway is limited to 1 ID, BUT, allows us to create more than 1 ID, so if you want to get a lot, please register more than 1 ID and live step above.
This giveaway, also attended by staff from the forum, any form of POST / REPLY, THREAD / BLOG, INVITE or SHARE content will earn XLM revenue with varying amount PER MONTH. Yes per month.
The steps:
1. Obviously the list of accounts in the forum:
2. Post any content, create a thread, create a blog, share info from stellar, invite other members to the forum
3. XLM revenue with details as follows:
2. Post any content, create a thread, create a blog, share info from stellar, invite other members to the forum
3. XLM revenue with details as follows:
- Every post made, get 1 XLM
- Every Topic / Thread we create, get 5 XLM
- Every member in the invite pake link refferal, get 10 XLM
- Every Topic / Thread we create, get 5 XLM
- Every member in the invite pake link refferal, get 10 XLM
4. Because the income per month, of course there are levels / rank per member, namely:
- Junio | 50 Post | 50 XLM rewards
- Senior | 250 Post | 250 XLM rewards
- Veteran | 500 Post | 500 XLM rewards
- Warrior | 1000 Post | 1000 XLM rewards
- Legend | 1500 Post | 1500 XLM rewards
- Titan | 2000 Post | 2000 XLM rewards
- Senior | 250 Post | 250 XLM rewards
- Veteran | 500 Post | 500 XLM rewards
- Warrior | 1000 Post | 1000 XLM rewards
- Legend | 1500 Post | 1500 XLM rewards
- Titan | 2000 Post | 2000 XLM rewards
5. How to reedem, agan stay open post, wallet and username agan.
- Post quality and topic will always be checked, and for reedem / request must BEFORE DATE 15 EVERY MONTH , remember remember
- If not in redeem before the 15th, reward back to ZERO
- Minimum redeem is 15 XLM
This giveaway is a giveaway hosted by the admins of the forum for the purpose of promoting stellar / lumens and introducing the forum to the public. Our task is easy, to get a credit from this giveaway we only need to create Thread / article / blog or other and for every reply / comment you can in thread / article / blog you created agan get 1 XLM
The rule to redeem rewards is to post and link to your thread / article / blog in the followingthread:
- Reply sort "UP UP UP UP or down down down" or reply from our own account will not be counted
- Comment must be qualified, not just throwing posts and others
This giveaway is hosted by an admin from the forum Https:// Forum from stellar network itself. In this giveaway, we just create an article or post to promote the forum or promote stellar / lumens by referring to the forum.
Here are the rules of the rules to participate in this giveaway:
- Post quality and topic will always be checked, and for reedem / request must BEFORE DATE 15 EVERY MONTH , remember remember
- If not in redeem before the 15th, reward back to ZERO
- Minimum redeem is 15 XLM
This giveaway is a giveaway hosted by the admins of the forum for the purpose of promoting stellar / lumens and introducing the forum to the public. Our task is easy, to get a credit from this giveaway we only need to create Thread / article / blog or other and for every reply / comment you can in thread / article / blog you created agan get 1 XLM
The rule to redeem rewards is to post and link to your thread / article / blog in the followingthread:
- Reply sort "UP UP UP UP or down down down" or reply from our own account will not be counted
- Comment must be qualified, not just throwing posts and others
This giveaway is hosted by an admin from the forum Https:// Forum from stellar network itself. In this giveaway, we just create an article or post to promote the forum or promote stellar / lumens by referring to the forum.
Here are the rules of the rules to participate in this giveaway:
1. We get 100 XLM if the promotion is original, interesting and good publication. Free to use any language
2. We get only 50 XLM if our promotion is considered just copy paste
3. Any content or articles that we make must have anything to do with one of the links in
4. Reward will be shipped after 1 week counted from article creation.
5. To make a claim, can be done by posting in thread: Https://
6. What needs to be given is the information wallet address and link articles that we have created
- Giveaway this 'stack' with another giveaway, for example, if you make an advertisement in one of the forums, then the forum has a lot of reply, the number of reply will be counted as points on giveaway THREAD STARTER that I've explained above
- An example of advertisement creation is this thread, which is also one of the bounty advertisement content created in this beloved forumbitcoin.
5. To make a claim, can be done by posting in thread: Https://
6. What needs to be given is the information wallet address and link articles that we have created
- Giveaway this 'stack' with another giveaway, for example, if you make an advertisement in one of the forums, then the forum has a lot of reply, the number of reply will be counted as points on giveaway THREAD STARTER that I've explained above
- An example of advertisement creation is this thread, which is also one of the bounty advertisement content created in this beloved forumbitcoin.
( Https:// )
This giveaway is a giveaway program hosted by the centaur developer team, a team of developers who won the challenge Stellar Build Challenge (Challenge to create a platform or application related to stellar).
This giveaway offers lumens only, for users who use their wallet centaurus service
This centaur wallet runs on android platform and can be downloaded at the link:
However, it's not just anyone who gets rewards on this giveaway, only users with ::
- Wallet that has 100 XLM
- Install Centaurus Wallet and integrate its wallet address into Centaurus wallet
For each wallet address listed on the centaur wallet and has at least 100 XLM, it will get 50 XLM per week which will be sent to the wallet address integrated on the centaur wallet
Click here for commentsNice blog... Thanks for sharing valuable information on centaurus wallet. I found this blog very helpful.
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